Open a safeguarding bank account in 2025 rapidly and reliably.

Solutions for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs



What are the safeguarding requirements?

All Canadian Payment Service Providers subject to the Retail Payments Activities Act are required to open a safeguarding account to hold end user funds. This requirement also applies to MSBs and FMSBs that are registered with FINTRAC and who hold client money. If your firm is a qualifying MSB/FMSB, then you will need to find a suitable safeguarding account.

What are the safeguarding account options?

There are three options available to you to meet the safeguarding requirement:

  • Open a safeguarding account with a bank
  • Open a safeguarding account in a trust account with a trustee
  • Obtain a safeguarding insurance guarantee

Safeguarding bank accounts for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs AuthoriPay

Who can provide a safeguarding account?

There are several types of firm who are allowed under the Retail Payments Activities Act to provide a safeguarding account, but in simple terms it boils down to two types of entity:

  • A Canadian bank, or
  • A foreign financial institution that is regulated to the same standards as a Canadian bank

When it comes to trustees for the trust account, anyone can act as trustee for your firm, so long as the trust agreement is under Canadian law.

Safeguarding bank accounts for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs AuthoriPay

Where can I find a safeguarding account provider?

These can be challenging to find as the firms that qualify as being able to provide safeguarding accounts typically view Payment Service Providers (and in particular MSB’s/FMSBs) as being high risk and are therefore unwilling to open accounts for them.

How can AuthoriPay help?

We have been helping Payment Service Providers across the UK and EU meet similar safeguarding requirements for many years and now we are bringing that expertise to Canadian firms.

We work with a network of banks and financial institutions who are willing to provide safeguarding accounts and we can guide you through their onboarding process.

In addition to this, we have a unique solution in which we can provide you with a compliant safeguarding trust account, acting as trustee with a major global bank. 

Safeguarding bank accounts for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs AuthoriPay

How can I earn interest on my safeguarding account balance as I have a very high balance?

We can provide a high interest bearing accounts for large balances in GBP, EUR and USD. 

Can I get a multi-currency safeguarding account?

Yes you can.  At present we can offer GBP, EUR, USD and CAD and working to add AUD in the near future.

We struggle to open bank accounts because they find us high risk

We work with many firms who have this problem and have always been able to find a solution for them. Our trust account solution is particularly helpful here.

A European e-money firm has offered me a safeguarding account, will that be good enough?

Sadly not, the account must be with a Canadian bank or foreign financial institution that is regulated to the same standards. Unfortunately, a European e-money firm is not likely to qualify.

That being said, you could use an e-money institution (or payment institution for that matter) as a payment processor in conjunction with another safeguarding account provider (for example our trust account above).

Safeguarding bank accounts for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs AuthoriPay

What are safegaurding accounts called in other European Languages?

  1. French: Compte de Séquestre ou compte de Garantie
  2. German: Treuhandkonto oder Sicherungskonto
  3. Spanish: Cuenta de garantía o cuenta de custodia
  4. Italian: Conto di Garanzia o Conto di Deposito
  5. Portuguese: Conta de Garantia ou Conta de Custódia
  6. Dutch: Bewaarrekening of Zekerheidsrekening
  7. Swedish: Förvaringskonto eller Säkerhetskonto
  8. Danish: Sikkerhedskonto eller Varetægtskonto
  9. Norwegian: Sikringskonto eller Deposittkonto
  10. Finnish: Turvakäyttötili tai Vakuustili

Safeguarding bank accounts for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs AuthoriPay

What should I do next?

The requirement to obtain a safeguarding account came out in November 2024. If you haven’t opened a safeguarding account yet please get in touch asap and we can talk right away, or arrange a video call or meeting with your team. Alternatively, if you already have a safeguarding account and would like to explore other options, or are looking for a back up safeguarding account provider, then please contact us to see how we can help.

You can call or email us using the contact details below, or complete the get in touch form and we will get back to you.

Safeguarding bank accounts for Canadian MSBs and FMSBs AuthoriPay

Get in touch

    AuthoriPay Ltd, Milton Hall,  Ely Road, Cambridge,   CB24 6WZ.

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